My Royal Borough

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Meet Sharon from Sharon Studio Art

Creativity takes courage!

We’ve caught up with Sharon from Sharon Art Studio to hear about her experience of working throughout the recent Covid-19 pandemic - including challenges, lessons and pressures, but also victories and triumphs!

How did the pandemic or lockdown impact your business?

It allowed me to clear my diary and become laser focussed on what I wanted to achieve with my art practice.

Primarily, I wanted to collaborate with a gallery, as well as build an online presence and website.  

What did you do in response to these challenges?

I immersed myself in learning about how to build a website, social media marketing and actually being visible by sharing my artwork and commissions on social channels.

I was contacted by three international galleries and chose to go with Monat Gallery, Madrid.

What were your greatest challenges?

The technology side of my business has been my biggest hurdle as well as my mindset. I managed to build my website, which isn’t perfect but it sort of works for now.

My mindset has had to change, I was stagnating in perfectionism and I realised that this was not sustainable in order to grow a business and was actually holding me back. 

If you could do it over again, would you do anything differently? What would you do? 

I wouldn’t change anything - the whole process has been a very steep, surprising and enjoyable learning experience. I have learnt a lot about myself and continue to do the necessary work to personally push forwards. 

What did you learn about your customers, your community, your business, yourself? 

My customers are like me - they love nature, they connect with the ebb and flow of the sea, they’re drawn to big skies and especially love the light, which is what I aim to capture in my seascapes. 

The local community is so supportive, other business owners like and share your work on social media and connect with you regarding local events. I attended one of the business networking events hosted by My Royal Borough in July.

I was asked if I was participating in the Windsor and Eton En Plein Air event, in the grounds of Windsor Castle. I promptly applied and then took part in the event the following week. It was an incredible day where along with over 70 other artists, we created our own masterpieces, followed by a competition and a pop-up exhibition at the Windsor Royal Station

I was delighted that my piece was selected along with four others in the Highly Commended category. I sold the piece immediately and it now resides in Houston, Texas.    

If you could give words of advice or encouragement to others, what would you say?

If you haven’t already done so then make a start, take those important first steps in the right direction and if your mindset is holding you back definitely do the internal work.

Connect with local businesses and support them. Read books, dig deep into your ‘why’ and if necessary, invest in a coach or mentor.

Move outside of your comfort zone as often as you feel you can - this is where the magic happens.  

Facebook: @SHZstudioArt Instagram: @sharonstudioart