Up your social media game with our handy tips

Finding it hard to navigate through your social media strategy? Struggling to drive traffic and conversions?

Here are a few handy tips and tricks to get your social game right up! ⬆️

Use trending topics to increase brand visibility

Think all things trending! As a small business, why not tap into national days and weeks, or piggyback off of larger conversations happening online?

Whether it's a topic of a debate or a new trend - your audience wants to hear it. And with the school year starting soon again, is there anything you can bring to the table?

Consistency is key

Consistency in posting is key to growing an engaged community online. It builds a connection with your audience, instilling credibility, reputation and brand trust.

It can be tricky to create content on the spot. Why not set some time aside to plan your content goals in advance?

Schedule your posts

Make life all the easier - take advantage of post scheduling.

As a small business owner, you’ll know that things come up out of nowhere. Schedule your content in advance, spending less time trawling through your social platforms to upload and paying more attention to the tasks at hand.

You can try a management tool such as SproutSocial, Hootsuite, Buffer or Creator Studio for Facebook and Instagram.

Think of engaging copy to anchor your message

Social platforms are much less formal than other platforms, so remember to have fun!

Captions elevate your assets so why not convey a message that evokes emotion? Doing so captivates your audience and prevents them from scrolling past.

Is there a punchy song lyric you can use? A saying? Or maybe a pun?

Spark a conversation

As a small business - you're the expert in your field. Don't be afraid to talk, share and educate.

Invite your audience to join in the conversation, engaging with your content. Say things like:

✔️ Share your ideas in the comments...

✔️ Tell us what you think below...

✔️ What are you most looking forward to...

And don't forget to utilise stories, polls and question features.

Be human

Your audience will want to see your human side shine through, and social media is a great platform to show off your genuine, authentic side.

Investing in relationships with customers impacts customer loyalty. Remember - people connect to people. Teach them about the people behind your brand, they'd love to see their faces!

End with a call to action

Whether it's a link click, a website visit, a direct message or a quote request - effective calls to action are simple and easy to follow.

The key to a good call to action isn’t just to tell them what to do, but why they should do it. You can try to provoke emotion, enthusiasm or even urgency.

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