Shopping Local in the new normal


Shop local is for life! This is a three part series on how we love to #ShopLocal in the new normal in My Royal Borough.

Let’s face it, shopping in a post-lockdown world comes with its perks!

Wait, what?

Who doesn’t love a bit more space when they are shopping? Many businesses are offering home delivery service, even the farmer’s markets. Yes, you must wear a face covering and socially distance in all UK shops. But who doesn’t love a bit of space? (Ok, ok - I know, I’m looking for the silver lining here, friends.)

Let’s all continue to be a good neighbour and keep everyone safe and remember to follow government guidance.

Local shop owners have been doing an amazing job of re-opening their businesses and keeping in line with government guidelines. Thank you!

Whether its hospitality, food and beverage, retail or tourism sectors, shops in Windsor, Maidenhead, Ascot and the local towns and villages have undertaken extra safety measures to ensure people are safe. They’ve been brilliant. 

This includes implementing an enhanced cleaning schedule and sanitising of public spaces, social distancing measures and directional signage and safe access for shoppers. 

Town centre management teams across the borough are monitoring the situation and providing extra assistance or signage if required. Many businesses have taken advantage of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme across My Royal Borough - 213 to be exact! And many more are continuing to offer special deals throughout September. Many more are applying for and displaying the official UK “We're Good to Go” Mark, certifying their tourism business complies with Government and industry COVID-19 guidelines. 

Thank you for continuing to support your local businesses and our community.

We are in this together and both businesses and our shoppers are working together to ensure the safety of our community. 

The next blog in this series outlines #MyRoyalBorough’s incredible shopping offering from a local’s perspective.


Shopping Local in My Royal Borough


MyRB sets the table for 150,000 meals and nearly £1M in savings under EOTHO